
by Lyceo



Explanation videos and practice exercises for the lower and upper classes. Exercise material for all regular exam subjects is also available for the upper years.Get started with explanation videos and practice exercises. Handy to prepare for a test or to better master difficult material. For pupils in the lower and upper years at vmbo-tl, havo and vwo level.With the help of Lyceo Practicing you can easily practice for upcoming tests, so that the lesson material is better understood. The practice exercises have been set up by experienced trainers and tested by teachers and students. The exercises are based on the most commonly used methods in the Netherlands, so there is a good chance that those of your school are included. Practice now for Mathematics, Dutch, English, Economics and Chemistry.Part of Lyceo Practice is Exam Practice, especially for final exam students. This allows exam students to prepare online for the final exams with theory, explanation videos, practice assignments and a final test. Exam Practicing is available for all final exam subjects.